ALBEDO New Age Music Artist- Doug Clyde
26 ago 2014,
- Brand New ALBEDO Album "Space Probes" Just Released and Now Available!
- Brand New ALBEDO Album "Space Probes" Just Released and Now Available!
My brand new album has just been released! It's a New Age album called "Space Probes". It contains musical interpretations of select space probes of achievement. Unmanned robotic spacecraft that explored astronomical objects in our solar system other than earth, and were the first successful flyby, orbiter, lander, rover or ...
25 jun 2014,
- Space Probes by New Age Music Artist Albedo
The New Age Music Artist Albedo will be releasing a new album called “Space Probes” in August. It will contain musical interpretations of select space probes of achievement. Unmanned robotic spacecraft that explored astronomical objects in our solar system other than earth, and were the first successful flyby, orbiter, lander, rover or sample return missions. Voyager 2, Galileo, etc. The music itself will be a mixture of live instruments, synthetics, plus professional orchestra and choir samples. ...
21 out 2011,
- ALBEDO Digital Fingers Sheet Music